Monday, April 5, 2010

15 mths!

15 mths! As the grand-parents have seen lately...she has personality coming out all over.  She loves to go bye bye, play with legos, watch her movies, eat snacks, kiss/rock her baby, play with daddy's jar of pens, and WALK everywhere now.  These are only a few of her favorites...she is getting much better about playing by herself.  She does great entertaining herself for short periods of time now which has been very helpful.  Ppl say it gets harder when they begin to walk but it has been easier for me b/c she wanted to walk with my hands all of the time before.  She LOVES LOVES her baby.  She rocks it, pats it, tells it to "ssshhh shhh" (like Nanu taught her), and then gives it the bah bah to drink. is so cute!  She carries the big baby around everywhere.  She can definitely communicate most things that she wants now...whether it be with words or that little whiney "ugh ugh UGH ugh ugh UGH" and her point...that  I hear/see much of the day. =) 
We had a great time with my parents.  Parker and I visited them for two weeks and then they came up here for my dad's appt.  Thankfully, my dad had another great appt!!  Praise the Lord for that! 
Parker also learned how to say "Nanu" and "Pa" so that of course melted them.  She knows how to wink (with both eyes) which stole her grandpa's heart.  It is precious!
Tanner will be done with his dissertation a week from today!!! He has been working hard on the bibliography...I think it might be around 250 pages altogether (or more)...crazy!
We are looking forward to going to Boston at the end of this month to look for apartments.  Pray that we find one!
Well, I will let these pictures speak for themselves.  My big girl camera is broken and I had to send it off again so hopefully I can get it back soon and take some good pics of P.  These are some from my point and shoot which has a delay so it was quite difficult trying to capture her as you can see.  She is busy busy these days! 

Nanu helping those toothies come through late one night
she loved the lemon popsicle 
Easter dress =) I tried to get a good pic but this is what I got!
She loves going through my perfume
hair is still a little wet from me trying to tame it after she woke up
love. them.  She is even starting to get a curl over her ear!  
refusing to go to sleep...little did we know she had an ear infection
helping daddy return phone calls and e-mails
sweet face
her usual mess and daddy's highlighters and pens that she loves to organize!
big girl playing with the kitchen Aunt C got her...she loves the kitchen too
this speaks for itself! cheese and spinach tortellini with tomato sauce


the orange face makes her baby blues pop...that is one plus =) 
watching Barney with daddy on the air matress
she LOVED splashing in the pool at the beach...she had no fear
walking with Nanu

playing at the beach house
hey! Hey! HEY! hey!
the best donuts ever at the beach!!!!!!!!!!!

grandpa's shoes
eating rocks at the beach house

watching praise baby with Nanu and grandpa