I had to add these =) she can't be outdone by her sister's poses!

Here are a few pics from the last few days. They aren't the greatest and certainly don't do this new lil face justice ;) The labor was intense to say the least. I only thought I was going to die 5.6 times. ha! I probably had Tanner convinced too. Pushing was super easy though. I pushed once pretty much and she came right out! Last night was pretty rough but I am hoping that things will be better tonight since my milk came in. fun fun! =) Parker LOVES her. She always wants to hold her and check on her. I am sure it helps that Papaw is here and gives her lots and lots of attention. It has been beautiful here so Curt and Tanner just went out and bought tons of meat to grill on Tanner's new grill. =) I am just excited about the small narcotics they picked up. ha! I discovered in the middle of the night that we have no pain medicines in this house. youch! I have a friend up here who is also church-planting and a photographer, she is going to come over soon and take some newborn/family pics for me. So, better pics are coming soon hopefully. I guess I need to get my nice camera out too in btwn feedings. =) Thankful for the adrenaline the Lord gives to get you through! We are blessed!

so proud =)


making her grand appearance ;)

lil kisses

"daddy she is not big like this...she is little"

love her hands on daddy's knees, (abbey took these pics)

view from our room, gorgeous days, getting hot!

lookin oh so tired

love this

proud papaw, he couldn't stand it, had to be the first one here ;)

lil frustrated face I saw quite a bit last night

she loves being swaddled