Here is a kiss from Miss Parker Sophia to all you fans out there!

Just wanted to give ya'll an update on Parker's stats after our check-up today. She weighed in at 13 lbs 10.5 oz! She is 50% in weight, 50% in height, and 88% in head circumference. Yes, that is right....she is getting taller! Tanner was a little worried she would be a shorty like me but she is prevailing! =) And that head...whew...I guess she's gotta big'un. =) The nurse even came back in to check her measurements on it. =) She only whimpered a couple of seconds when they gave her the second shot...she did great! She has been talking SO much the past couple of days...I think we might be in trouble when she actually starts talking. whew! Just had to brag on my girl a little. =)
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