Here are some of her favorite toys at the moment. She still loves her bouncy seat...but now she tries to bounce her way out of it. =) She sometimes reaches for the objects on the exersaucer and kicks her feet but at other times she is not too sure about that thing. She loves pulling and kicking all of the objects on the play mat! Speaking of pulling...she has learned to try to pull me in the crib with her at night. ha! If she wakes up in the wee hours I will usually try to put the passy in her the meantime...she grabs my arm, finger, or anything she can find with her eyes closed and holds it as tight as possible!! so sweet! Look at this big girl =)

sweet girl
In the sixth one down she looks like elmer fudd! You can tell her I said so, I still love her.
Seriously...I know a lot of babies-- and she is the cutest baby I have ever seen. She is precious. I miss y'all and her sweet face :) hope things are going great!!
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