Look at this big girl! She is standing up pretty good now! We are so excited! She is still trying to get the whole crawling thing. She gets up on all fours very easily, rocks back and forth, and then falls on her belly and scoots. She is def. more mobile. =) I just took a few shots for fun this morn so y'all could see how big she is getting! It is so fun trying to teach her new words. She thinks she is big stuff. She is now picking up her big girl food and feeding herself very well. It only took one day to realize she has to chew the food. She loves slices of chicken deli meat. (stinky!) I am having to get creative now. No longer do I just pop open a jar of Gerber baby food. =( That's the latest with us. We are busy busy these days but excited about the holidays. Her first birthday will be here before we know it!
p.s. I uploaded these really fast (lower quality) so that is the reason for the grainy quality. =) had to say that b/c it bugs me. =)

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