Look at this little squirt standing on her own! She thinks she is big stuff and wants to walk all of the time (with us holding her hands). She was showing off tonight and actually stood up on her own by pushing off of my leg on the floor. We all went crazy. =) Ppl were right when they said once they start crawling they think they can do anything. We love watching her try to communicate these days. She has many dramatic faces that she loves to share with everyone. I love the drama. =) She loves all remotes, cell phones, and computers. EVERY time she sees one she purses her lips, gets really big eyes, and says "OOO OOO OOO OOO." Needless to say, we have had a great time spoiling her and saying over and over..."she really is one of the smartest babies ever." lol!
gotta love being with the grandparents! ;)
The countdown is on till you know what.....the big 'un!

AHHHH!!! Look at that chunky cutie!

She just happened to be naked b/c she was hot in her sweater. =) She loves patting her belly when she is naked!!

how sweet! Her new book from GramB that lights up and sings. She likes to dance to Silent Night. =)

Doesn't she look like a school girl?

totally showing off...she climbed 5 stairs by herself and then waved to us

She loves riding Courtney's old horsey. She rocks herself. =)

Kissing her baby

at the wedding. too bad she pulled her bow out by this point.
1 comment:
can't wait to see that big girl in motion soon! love you, p.s. you look awesome
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